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Free Downloads

Start Your Day Planner

This simple five-minute system helps you start your day as you—and helps you focus on what you need and want to do. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Get your FREE digital Start Your Day Planner and find out for yourself.

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Business Boutique Action Steps

If you want to succeed in business, you need the right tools to get started. Use these action steps from the Business Boutique book to begin building a customized plan for your business.

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Take Back Your Time Workbook

There’s never enough hours in a day, which is why it’s so important to make the most of the time you have. Use these worksheets, templates and challenges to help you set your priorities, manage your schedule and create your version of balance.

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You want to set goals, but which goals are the right ones? This guide will help you set the right goals by getting clear on where you are, where you want to go and the plan to get there.

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Pricing Guide

Pricing your products and services can be overwhelming. Download this free guide to set your prices with confidence! It'll walk you through seven questions to ask when setting your prices and three rules to get more sales, regardless of your price point.

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Persona Template

Who are you talking to on your website? Who are you creating content, products and services for? Use this free Persona Template to get to know your customer. When you know them, you can connect with them, build trust and help them through your business.

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Business Idea Cheat Sheet

You want to start a business, but you don’t know what kind of business to start. With my Business Idea Cheat Sheet, you'll have exactly what you need to find your best business idea.

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Get Started Business Plan

You have a business idea, but you have no clue where to begin. All you need is a plan. The Get Started Business Plan will help you clarify your dream and turn your idea into action.

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Content Clarity Starter Kit

Creating content for your brand or business can be overwhelming, frustrating and, most of all, time-consuming! That's why I created this simple guide to get you going in the right direction.

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7-Day Devotional

When you're feeling overwhelmed, discouraged and defeated, you don't need more advice. You need hope! Sign up to get a daily word of encouragement from me for the next week. This is just the boost you need to get through whatever you’re going through.

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Top 10 Mistakes All Speakers Make

You've witnessed bad speakers before, right? We all have. Chances are, they weren't trying to be bad—they just didn't know they were bad. Learn from these mistakes so you don't make them yourself.

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Speaking Business Starter Kit

Want to get more speaking opportunities but not sure how? This starter kit is packed with templates that will show you exactly what to do to get your speaking business up and growing in no time.

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