What Makes This Planner Different
Everyone talks about goals and plans, but they never talk about context. But do you know what goals and plans with no context are? Pressure. And who needs more pressure in their life? Exactly. My Start Your Day Planner helps you start each day with a few simple steps that give context, clarity and focus to your day. The physical planner will be launching this August, but you can get started with this digital sample today!
When you check in with yourself, stop to celebrate your progress, and even note how you’re taking care of yourself before you fill up the to-do list, you start your day from strength, power and confidence. This prevents you from feeling like you’re failing and always coming from behind. Every simple step in this quick five-minute system is intentional and sets your mind on what you need to feel good about the day ahead. You’ll go from scattered and discouraged to clear and confident within the first day!
Get your FREE digital Start Your Day Planner:
How It Works

Your Season
You'll start by planning for your season. Think of what you’re going through in each of the major areas of your life such as work or business, family, health, finances, home and so on. These things affect your life in a major way and they will frame the season you’re in. When you become aware of what you’re going through, your priorities become more clear. When your priorities become more clear, you not only realize what’s right right now, but you also shake the guilt for those things that are not right right now. This planner will guide you through questions to help you start planning your season.

Your Week
At the beginning of each week, you will plan for the week ahead. This is a high-level view for what is coming your way that week. If you’re married, it’s also a great time to connect with your spouse on your plans so you can begin on the same page and make sure nothing slips through the cracks. (Like forgetting a child’s soccer practice. Not that I have ever done that or anything.) This will help you start your week by answering the most important question: What’s right right now?

Your Day
At the beginning of each day, you will plan your day. There are prompts that will guide you through a simple five-minute morning routine that helps you know what’s right for you—and stay focused on those things so you can actually do what’s right for you on that particular day. What a concept!

Hey there, I’m Christy.
I’m a #1 national bestselling author, certified business coach, professional speaker, and expert cinnamon toast maker. Well, at least my kids think so on that last one.
With a business to run, three kids to raise, a dog to keep alive, and a house that will not clean itself (rude), I can never get it all done. Even with help, and I have so much help, it still seems like there’s never enough time in a day. I also have a long list of interests, an even longer to-do list and never enough time to fit in everything I want. Do you ever feel like that?
I bet you do. We all do.
Here’s the good news: It’s not that you don’t have enough time. It’s that you’re probably not clear on what you want to do with the time that you have. That’s why I want to help.
This planner is the exact system I use for my morning routine. It’s transformed how I feel about my schedule, my days, my time and, most of all, myself. When you use this, it will do the same for you.
Are you ready?
Get your planner and get ready to start your day in a whole new way.